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"Then if anyone says to you, 'Behold, here is the Christ,' or 'There He is,' do not believe him. "For false Christs and false prophets will arise and will show great signs and wonders, so as to mislead, if possible, even the elect. "Behold, I have told you in advance. "So if they say to you, 'Behold, He is in the wilderness,' do not go out, or, 'Behold, He is in the inner rooms,' do not believe them. "For just as the lightning comes from the east and flashes even to the west, so will the coming of the Son of Man be. "Wherever the corpse is, there the vultures will gather. Matthew 24:23-28 NAS95

People will go to great lengths to “be under the spout where the glory comes out.” That was my dad’s assessment of some of the big-name evangelists’ mega-meetings. The huge mega meetings of times past have dwindled in the Covid – post Covid era. Perhaps they will return, perhaps not.

The fact is Christians want to be where the presence of God is manifest. We sometimes get so wrapped up in personalities we will do whatever is necessary to be where they are present, in the hopes that some special blessing will become ours. We may have replaced the mega preacher personalities with musical artists before Covid, but the goal was the same; be where the presence of God was real.

In the quest for the presence, we at times fall victim to unscrupulous personalities. I remember one such case in the ‘80’s. A popular musician ‘found Christ’ and switched to singing gospel songs. A few years later he had returned to a very hedonistic life style. When confronted by Christians to repent, he laughed them off by saying they were fools to have been duped by his “act.” He stated he did it for the money.

In today’s culture we have so elevated the few, whether TV preacher\evangelists, musicians, or talk show hosts we are in danger of falling for all types of “folly.” An example is a currently playing advertisement for a pod-cast. It proclaims that theology is just talking about God, so if we talk about God we are all theologians. I am not sure where they got their definitions, but here is what Webster says about theology and theologians:

THEOLOGY, n. [Gr. God, and discourse.] Divinity; the science of God and divine things; or the science which teaches the existence, character and attributes of God, his laws and government, the doctrines we are to believe, and the duties we are to practice.

THEOLOGIAN, n. [See Theology.] A divine; a person well versed in theology, or a professor of divinity.

It is not my purpose to malign the host of the pod-cast. It is to bring accuracy to the discussion. Just because I want someone to think I am something, e.g. a theologian, I don’t become one by redefining what that requires. I can pick up a fishing rod, but that does not make me a fisherman. All it makes me is a guy with a fishing rod and you would be in terrible shape if you were relying on my advice on how to catch fish.

So, what am I trying to say? Be diligent not only in your personal study of the Word, but also be diligent in assessing who you will listen to whether preacher\evangelist\musician, or want to be theologian. In fact, you should be careful reading what I write. I know I am fallible. I make mistakes. If you are reading this you should be checking out what I write in light of the Scriptures. Just because I muse on a subject does not mean I got it right. I might even have changed my mind before this gets printed.

I will say, I am not a wishy-washy guy. I don’t change my mind easily. I am, in fact, more a stick in the mud sort of person. There is a verse of Scripture that is important to this musing:

Forever, O LORD, Your word is settled in heaven. Psalms 119:89 NAS95

There you have it. In these days of life, whether the final days of grace before Christ returns, or if the return is many years off, God’s Word does not change. Albert Barnes’ Notes on the Bible puts it this way:

"The meaning here is, that the word - the law - the promise - of God was made firm, established, stable, in heaven; and would be so forever and ever. What God had ordained as law would always remain law; what he had affirmed would always remain true; what he had promised would be sure forever."

Let me repeat, in these days of life, whether the final days of grace before Christ returns, or if the return is many years off, God’s Word does not change. Be ever so careful what you listen to, what you read, and who you associate with as you live your life. The end will come for you at some time, whether by the return of Christ for His bride or your natural death. When it does, you want to be following the One True God, not some person or feeling.

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Welcome to my blog. I am Ron Mixer, a retired Pastor and the author of Disturbed Thinking. I have always been challenged by certain passages of the Bible that, in a word, “disturb” my thinking. In this blog I offer an unusual look at the passages of the Bible that “disturb” me the most. You can get the first 142 musings in the book Disturbed Thinking found on Amazon. The book is the first release of what I hope will become 365 musings of Disturbed Thinking. Also on Amazon is my book Fruitful Living, a study of the fruit of the Spirit.  


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