Paying Attention

And on His robe and on His thigh He has a name written, "KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS."
Revelation 19:16 NAS95
The world is buzzing about the new king in England as I write this musing. I was curious so I checked, using my e-Sword program, how many times the word “king” appears in the Bible. The answer? 2,682 times New American Standard Bible. That is a lot more than some words we might look up.
I thought about trying to categorize the instances but soon realize it would be a huge undertaking, and really unnecessary. Here is why I even bring the subject up. I am totally mystified by the attention we give to kings and presidents. I get they are important to the day-to-day leadership in our world, but I really don’t need to know that they only use certain bathroom tissue. I could care less that the children are fighting amongst themselves, or any other seemingly tr
ivial dribble that the media deems to feed the world.
There is only one King of Kings and Lord of Lords. It is not Biden, Trump, or any other president. It is not Charles or Phillip, or even Elizabeth, the late queen. It is Jesus of Nazareth.
One day, hopefully soon, He will make a grand entrance into this world. His first entrance, as a babe in a manger (feed trough), wasn’t too spectacular. It was impressive enough that it got noticed by the shepherds, the wise men, and even Herod the king. But it was not the grand entranced described in the verses of Revelation 19.
The whole passage
is grand and gruesome at the same time. The spectacle described can barely be imagined, yet it holds incredible promise. Promise that one day this world will be brought to order by the presence of the Son of the Living God.
The world is waiting to see if Charles will reign for long. Some suggest he may advocate so Phillip can reign. Others speculate his mother reigned too long and he will move quickly to put his stamp on the monarchy. The world speculates about whether Putin will live very long, it speculates about his health, it speculates about Biden’s health, whether Trump will run again, etc. As I write this I worry that this musing will be dated by the names of the leaders of the world. Unless I miss my guess, you can change out the names in this musing with names of your current world events and leaders and things won’t be much different.
Here is what disturbs me. Are we paying as much attention to the King of Kings as we pay to the “kings” of this world? The answer is a resounding “NO.” Elon Musk gets more coverage than the King of Kings. Mark Zuckerberg gets more. Bill Gates gets more. Let’s face it some no-name from TikTok gets more.
There was a time when the world focused on Jesus, twice a year. Now, we barely find Him at either Christmas or Easter time. The most joyous time of the year is just about upon us as I write. In just a few weeks it will be Christmas. Already, it is mid-October, and stores are selling Christmas everything. The weeks and days ahead will be filled with sales and marketing of everything imaginable.
Christmas has become a holiday without an overarching reason. The most prevalent idea is the sale of things unneeded to people, that will be given to other people that are often unwanted.
What is truly wanted at Christmas is someone to care about us. Someone who will love us with all our foibles. Someone who accepts us where we are, as we are, and will help us become a better version of ourselves.
And that, my friends, brings me back to the start of this musing. There is one who is more important than the rulers of this world, who is the basis of Christmas, who loves us as we are, and who deserves our attention. One day He will get all that is rightfully His when He comes on that white horse of Revelation 19. I plan on giving Him all, every day that I live. His name? You know it. It is Jesus, King of Kings, and Lord of Lords.