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But Thomas, one of the twelve, called Didymus, was not with them when Jesus came. So the other disciples

were saying to him, "We have seen the Lord!" But he said to them, "Unless I see in His hands the imprint of the nails, and put my finger into the place of the nails, and put my hand into His side, I will not believe." After eight days His disciples were again inside, and Thomas with them. Jesus *came, the doors having been shut, and stood in their midst and said, "Peace be with you." Then He *said to Thomas, "Reach here with your finger, and see My hands; and reach here your hand and put it into My side; and do not be unbelieving, but believing." Thomas answered and said to Him, "My Lord and my God!" Jesus *said to him, "Because you have seen Me, have you believed? Blessed are they who did not see, and yet believed." John 20:24-29 NAS95

The pastor said, “Biblically educated have fewer doubts.”

My Bible College professor said, “In order to believe greatly, you must first doubt greatly.” I have kept that thought with me ever since. I thought he said it was C. S. Lewis who said it, but I can find no verification for him saying it, but I found that Rene Descartes postulated the concept during his life (1596 -1650). Descartes is considered to be the greatest doubter of all time. He writes on doubt going to great lengths to prove the necessity of doubt. Yet he also writes “I have concluded the evident existence of God, and that my existence depends entirely on God in all the moments of my life, that I do not think that the human spirit may know anything with greater evidence and certitude.” René Descartes.

Thomas is labeled the doubter because he expresses a desire to have proof of the resurrection. We call him “Doubting Thomas” with derogatory attitudes. What about Gideon, why isn’t he “Doubting Gideon?” Or Zacharias from Luke 1? He is a priest in the synagogue, and he doubts out loud with a laugh and gets laryngitis until John the Baptist is born. Consider the two Mary’s and Salome from Mark 16 1-8. They were so unconvinced they kept their mouths shut in fear. We don’t tag them doubters like we do Thomas.

Our world is full of doubters today. They tag themselves as atheists and agnostics. They either don’t believe or believe so little that their concept of God is they don’t think He cares. Part of the problem lies at the feet of the Christians who stay away from church services. I never dreamt I would miss as much church as I have in the past few years. Health issues have kept me home way more than I like. So much so that I feel awkward writing about doubt and church. If you are staying away from church, you might be part of the problem that has so many people doubting today.

The following is a quote from a member of a church in Oklahoma City that passed away recently (it is spring 2023). In this quote I see so much truth about the message of the Cross, I must share it with you. The traditions are not mine, and they may not be yours, so substitute a song for a candle, a Pastor for the priest…etc.

If a Bishop goes into a dark Church and lights a candle, you will see his light. If a Priest goes into a dark Church and lights a candle, you will see his light. If a deacon goes into a dark church and lights a candle, you will see his light. If an altar boy or a choir member goes into a dark church and lights a candle, you will see his or her light. If a rich man or a poor man goes into a dark Church and lights a candle, you will see his light. If a Mother and a Child go into a dark Church and light a candle, you will see their light. But, if a Bishop, a Priest, a deacon, an Altar Boy and Choir member, a rich man and a poor man, and the Mother and child all go into a dark Church and all light a candle, what you will see is the Church! - Sam Shadid 1932 – 2022

I never met Sam Shadid, but he understood what the church was, and is to be in this world. People will doubt, but as with anything, when a group of believers gathers, whether parishioners or football fans, there is an energy to believe. When you are part of a local church family it will strengthen your ability to believe. When I miss several Sundays in a row, I struggle to believe. When I spend time with others it builds me up, and the light shines brighter within me. What about You?

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Welcome to my blog. I am Ron Mixer, a retired Pastor and the author of Disturbed Thinking. I have always been challenged by certain passages of the Bible that, in a word, “disturb” my thinking. In this blog I offer an unusual look at the passages of the Bible that “disturb” me the most. You can get the first 142 musings in the book Disturbed Thinking found on Amazon. The book is the first release of what I hope will become 365 musings of Disturbed Thinking. Also on Amazon is my book Fruitful Living, a study of the fruit of the Spirit.  


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